Christ Covenant Church

Worshiping the Triune God and living the kingdom life in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

Worship Service

11:30 AM

March 9, 2025 only

Due to time change

Fellowship meal after service.

white book page beside green potted plant
white book page beside green potted plant


Being Reformed is not just an adjective or a noun, it is a verb. We seek to always being re-formed by God's Word and His Spirit more and more into a likeness of Jesus Christ .

sliced of bread beside goblet
sliced of bread beside goblet


What is liturgical? Liturgical is following a set order...Any order! But our order of worship seeks to be as scriptural as possible, seeks to involve everyone in worship and seeks to flow outward from church into our lives and of those around us.


"Spreading the good news!" That's what evangelical means. That the Bible is God's revelation to us, that you must be Born Again and that you are so excited by this that you tell others!

Sunday morning worship 10:30 am

March 9th 11:30 am

All Events are at Christ Covenant Church unless noted

Sign up for news, events and announcements. You can opt-out at any point, just talk to us either online or in person.

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am

Please note that Christ Covenant is at the rear of the property. There is an E-Free church in front. Enter through the gates and go all the way back. We are on the left.